Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Career Coaching for Millennial Professionals

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At Amna Hasnain Coaching, we understand the significant challenge that Impostor Syndrome poses for millennial professionals on their career journey. Our dedicated career and leadership coach, Amna Hasnain, is here to help individuals overcome self-doubt, unlock their true potential, and thrive in their careers. Contact Amna today to learn more about the Career Blueprint program!

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome is a common psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as frauds, despite evidence of their competence and achievements. Millennial professionals are particularly susceptible to experiencing Impostor Syndrome due to the societal pressures they face, mixed messaging from parents, and the influence of social media comparisons. 

In fact, a study from the International Journal of Behavioral Science found that up to 70% of millennials experience Imposter Syndrome at one point or another in their careers. Sometimes, Imposter Syndrome can surface temporarily (i.e., starting a new job), and other times, it is much more rooted in our identity and can inhibit our career progression and self-confidence long term. Our career coaching services can help uncover the root cause of what’s fueling the Imposter Syndrome dragon and cultivate a plan to slay that monster once and for all. 

Common Triggers for Millennial Professionals Facing Imposter Syndrome

  • Perhaps the most common - starting a new job or a new role/changes in responsibilities 

  • New leadership - individuals often feel like they have to reestablish their brand and prove their value/worth to their new boss 

  • Project failure or perceived failure and/or receiving harsh and negative feedback on performance 

  • Not feeling a sense of belonging at work (i.e., only female in the department) 

  • Comparing to others on social media and feeling inadequate 

A career and leadership coach can help empower individuals to break through these barriers. Contact Amna Hasnain Coaching today to learn more about how Amna works closely with her clients to identify their unique strengths, set realistic goals, and cultivate the self-confidence needed to overcome self-doubt. 

6 Strategies for Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

If you’re experiencing Imposter Syndrome, know that you’re not alone. Even the most senior and established professionals experience bouts of self-doubt and feeling like a fraud at times. 

Begin with self-compassion and patience. This is the cornerstone of our coaching approach. When you work with Amna on overcoming Imposter Syndrome, we start by helping individuals reframe negative thoughts, challenge their self-doubt, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

  1. Separate fact from fiction - what stories are you telling yourself? Imposter Syndrome breeds a lot of negative self-talk. Examine how much of what you are thinking/feeling is 100% true. A Forbes study found that 85% of what people worry about will never even happen, and with the 15% that did happen, 79% of people discovered either they could handle the difficulty better than expected, or the difficulty taught them a lesson worth learning. 

  2. Seek and celebrate small wins and accomplishments.

  3. Develop a repeatable strategy for how to accelerate your learning curve when you take on new roles. Keep a log of what worked well and your lessons learned. Next time you take a new position or change jobs, reference this strategy to keep that Imposter Syndrome dragon at bay. 

  4. Work with a coach who can help you shift your perspective and empower you to break free from self-limiting beliefs. At Amna Hasnain Coaching, we work with clients to discover their calling - when individuals are operating in their element, Imposter Syndrome rarely rears its ugly head. 

  5. Find a buddy on your team or in your department who can help you answer questions that you’re uncomfortable asking others. Having a safe space to strengthen your knowledge works wonders in building self-confidence. 

  6. Limit comparisons to others, especially on social media - this cannot be stated enough! 

Amna Hasnain Coaching is dedicated to empowering millennial professionals to overcome Impostor Syndrome and embrace their true potential. Through the Career Blueprint program and guided mentorship, we support individuals in achieving personal and professional growth. We offer in-person sessions in Dallas-Fort Worth or online, so wherever you are, we can help! Join us on this transformative journey, and let us help you create a fulfilling and successful career. Contact us today!


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