
Top Self-Development Books for Career & Leadership Growth

Welcome to my bookshelf! , I’ve curated a collection of top self-development books handpicked for career and leadership growth. Discover valuable insights on career development, personal growth, leadership, and creating a fulfilling life. Get ready to empower yourself and achieve your dream career with these inspiring reads. Happy reading!

Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones
By James Clear

My favorite thing about this book is that it provides a practical model to improve your life that you can begin implementing right away.  James Clear shows us that by making small, imperceptible shifts in our behavior, we can eventually drive transformative change.  He says: "… the quality of our lives often depend on the quality of our habits. Same habits - same results, better habits - anything is possible".  His four step model lays out the framework to improve our habits 1% at a time.

The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
By Ken Robinson

One of the most inspirational books I have ever read and truly the one book that gave me the confidence to start my coaching practice. Ken Robinson invites his readers to be bold and explore their Element - what he so eloquently defines as the meeting point between natural aptitude and personal passion. He has an entire chapter devoted to fear and the age old question that plagues a lot of us: "But what will people think?" Highly recommend for people who are ready to discover their true calling - read with an open mind and open heart.

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—-What Women Should Know
By Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

This is my most recommended book to women.  I truly believe that The Confidence Code should be required reading for all young women as they enter the work force.  Authors Katty Kay and Claire Shipman share common mistakes that women often make - from ruminating and internalizing to being risk averse.  This book gave me 1) comfort that I wasn't alone and many other women face the same struggles and 2) useful strategies to find my voice and exert more confidence.  The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, & Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self is a wonderful read for pre-teens and teens.  It has sparked countless dynamic conversations for my daughter and me.

The Alchemist
By Paulo Coelho

This quick read is one of my favorite books.  Albeit Coelho's fable reads like a children's book,  there are powerful leadership and life lessons we can learn if we're willing to suspend our belief in reality for a bit and accompany Santiago, the protagonist, on his journey.  Santiago is a poor shepherd boy who goes on a quest in search of treasure. Along his journey he meets many interesting characters and fights obstacles to ultimately realize the power of following your dreams.  Think of this as Harry Potter meets Aladdin meets The Element - even if you don't find The Alchemist inspirational, you will at least be entertained.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
By Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
By Stephen Covey


Stephen Covey's book is a classic and the habits he outlines are just as relevant today as they were in 1989 when this was first published.  Each new habit builds upon the prior one to help us live more productive and fulfilled lives.  The original version is chalk full of proven strategies to help you attain your goals, but I actually love the kids version even more.  The 7 Habits of Happy Kids is a beautifully illustrated book that applies those same principles in a fun, practical way to help children and adults alike.

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter
By Michael D. Watkins

A must read for managers - new and experienced - as they transition into new roles.  With each job role change, I dust this one off and re-read it to help me define my ramp plan for the first 3 months.  Like many professional development books, not every chapter or recommendation will apply to your leadership journey, but Michael Watkins provides a solid framework to help managers with their onboarding plan.  When you are new to a role, it is common to feel like you are drowning.  This book is the equivalent of a life jacket to help keep you afloat as you learn about the organization, culture, teams, products, processes and establish credibility.

What Do You Do With An Idea?
By Kobi Yamada, Illustrated by Mae Besom

While this may be categorized as a children's book, it holds profound wisdom that resonates with readers of all ages. As one insightful Amazon reviewer aptly noted, "This book is written for children, but the truth is that children don't need it. Children already dream and create." The narrative serves as a compelling call to action, urging us to embrace boldness, nurture our ideas, and dare to imagine without reservation. In a world where self-doubt often silences our creative potential, this inspirational piece serves as a powerful prompt to be fearless, speak up, and let our voices be heard.

Seeking additional recommendations to propel your career forward?

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