What is coaching?
Simply put, coaching is having conversations that lead to powerful change. A coach is someone who is passionate about helping people achieve their personal and professional goals. The client is always in the driver's seat, my role is to help them get to their destination. My clients use our conversations as a springboard to create the change they want in their lives.
Where are coaching sessions held?
Coaching sessions typically last one hour and are done on the phone. Coaching via phone gives both of us flexibility (no commute or dealing with traffic; the coach and client can be anywhere in the world and still have powerful coaching sessions). If it is the right fit for the client, I offer a weekend workshop package that is done in person in Dallas, TX.
Do you only offer leadership coaching?
No, I take a holistic approach and coach on a variety of topics. Clients usually engage me to strengthen their leadership skills, but as we begin exploring their values, goals, beliefs, and fears we often delve into other areas of their life - family & relationships, personal finance, health & aging, spiritual awareness, etc. Clients usually find that as they make progress in one area, they start to see greater enjoyment and fulfillment in their work and leadership. However, it's important to note that the client (not the coach) always determines which areas he/she would like to address in our sessions.
Are coaching sessions confidential?
Yes, absolutely. All conversations between the client and coach are confidential. The only exception to this is if the coach feels that the client is a threat to him/herself or others.
How much does it cost to invest in a coaching agreement?
I offer a couple of different coaching packages and it's best to have a 30 minute consultation call so we can determine which package would be the best fit. During the call, I can offer more details and answer any questions you have about pricing. Please note that coaching is an investment in yourself; I only work with clients who are 100% committed to their growth and are coachable.
What is the difference between a consultant / therapist / coach?
Each of these professions add value and help people so it really depends on the client's needs and desired outcome. A therapist helps heal emotional wounds from trauma and/or cope with mental illness. A consultant is an expert in a specific area; they provide advice & solutions to solve specific problems. A coach collaborates with his/her clients to help them maximize their potential and create the future they want.
What does a typical coaching session look like?
No two coaching conversations are the same, because each session depends on the client & his/her desired outcome. That being said, there are some commonalities: I use a unique Core Energy Coaching™ process to help clients dig deep, break through their old patterns, and unleash their potential. Our initial coaching sessions are focused around exploring the client's goals, beliefs, and development areas, coupled with some assessments to help us understand baseline. Clients come prepared to each session with a specific goal in mind and we spend most of our time collaborating on the "why", "when", and "how" of achieving that goal.